Monday, March 7, 2011


It feels like I just barely wrote you an email yesterday! Somehow, I'm sitting at a computer again, writing you another letter. So, this week I went on my very first splits. I've gone on little member splits, but this was like my first real missionary splits. I split with Lee, Kyungnam Chamaenim. I went to the YooSon area. That is the ward that Weongun, and Jeongwon live in. All of her appointments ended up falling through, so we knocked doors for a long time, and she wanted to run a "wager" that I would do one side of doors, and she would do the other, and whoever talked to more people would get ice cream for the other person. She had to buy my ice cream. hehe. it was good. For lunch we ate seaweed soup, and for dinner we had Deokguk. It was yummy. We ended up walking around in circles for most of the rest of the night, looking for a less active member to visit, and talking to people on the way. When we finally found it-it was only about 5 minutes away from our apartment, and they weren't home. So she wanted to heart attack one of her investigators, and she kept saying that she wanted to heart attack the "sketchy door." haha. It was pretty sketchy. 

We sat on a couch by the sketchy door, on the sketchy street and put tape on the back of hearts, and then we heart attacked our little hearts out. In the morning we did pilates together, which was..funny. Anyways, this week we also went to dinner at a member's house with a recent convert, and they are a Korean American family. I am surprised at how many there are. There is one in Samsun ward, and two in Sonhwa ward. But this family that we ate with, the Mom is American, and the Dad is Korean. They have four kids, and we ate cheese spaghetti. It was a good night. I really love our Recent convert, Haebi chamaenim. She is from China, and she is going to go to New York this fall to study fashion. This week, on Saturday we went to a baptism for the Samsung ward, it was one of the AP's investigator's. They asked us to do a musical number with them, and so we sang when I am baptized. I really don't have much more to say about what happened this week, it honestly just feels like I blinked my eyes, and all of a sudden its pday again.

So, it sounds like everybody is doing good. Everybody at the office enjoyed the fact that I got 3 wedding invitations in 2 days. It's too bad that I missed the weddings, but I'm sure that they were beautiful. hahahaha. I can't believe Saydee's married. 


Oh, also-I ate those kimchi pancake things for the first time yesterday. Can you believe it mom? You would think it was a miracle if you saw me eat Korean food, 죠? It is still hard for me, but somehow I am able to eat things that I have hot been able to even be in the same room as my whole life. I'm still dreading eating sundae, or the larvae things, and somebody was telling me about cow blood jelly something? eeeee. it's okay halsuissoyo. I love Korea. and i love that I can eat lots of garlic and I don't have to worry about it..because everybody eats lots of garlic.

Well shoot, I still have about 20 minutes and i'm out of things to write..which usually doesn't happen. So, I guess if you want you can stop reading now, or if you want to keep reading I'm going to write about what I studied this morning. It was in 2 Nephi 12:8, and it says something like, "They worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made." And it talks about gold, and silver, and idols, etc. So I was thinking about it, and I was thinking that the things that we make with our own fingers can be our jobs, our relationships with family, friends, etc, and our knowledge..right, but then you can also think that those things are given to you through God's hands. Well, so i am thinking that when we try to create everything by our own hands that those things that we create, may become things that we worship-into idols. Whether they be relationships, jobs, school, whatever. They can become our idols, our gold and silver idols. But then, when you flip to Corinthians 3:9-13, it talks about gold and silver, and how pretty much you can choose whether you build upon the foundation, which is Christ, with gold, silver, wheat, rubble, etc. And then fire will burn, and we will see what still stands. So the gold and silver that we make with our hands can become idols, or they can become building blocks. If they become idols than I think in 2 Nephi 12:20 it says in that day you will throw gold and silver to the bats and moles..or somthing like that..but in Corinthians it shows that if you use these great things that you create to build, then they will withstand fire. Ah, sorry this is all over the place. So, I ended up thinking mostly about relationships with people. And I was thinking that if you create this relationships with people, with family, with friends, with investigators, with girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives, etc. and you do it purely by your own hands it is your gold and silver, but if you build it and see these people with their eternal potential, and you do it as a building block for your temple, then it becomes something that is indestructible. Okay, I'm going to stop now. That probably didn't make any sense. II love you all, I hope you are all well and happy and safe.
Love, Cutler Chamae

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