Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is it seriously another P-day already?

I can't believe that it is already time to write yoreobun another email. I'm sure you're all interested in how four square was this week. It wasn't as crazy as last week-but I did trip yesterday in front of all of the Elder's--but don't worry! I swiftly redeemed myself with a sneaky kill from the ground.

Let me give you a peek at what breakfast is like in the morning. This morning, I go to sit down and immediately when me and Sister Seipel get to the table our Elders say, "Chamaenims! A sister flirrrrted with Elder Fowers!" They proceeded to tell the story of Elder Fowers going to get some water when I sister accidentally bumped into him and apologized. He said, "Oh, you're fine." He also noted that there was absolutely no flirtatious inflection in his voice. The sister proceeded to say, "Oh, well in that case I should bump into you more often." Elder Fowers half disgusted, half I don't know what said, "I should have gotten her mailbox number or something." We all laughed about it for a bit, and talked about how crazy that sister was. Elder Fowers said she was English speaking, and we all let a sound of understanding escape our mouths. She must be new, and thus unaccustomed to the awkward barrier that it is to constantly be held between Elders and Sisters. So, this is what flirting consists of. After this, we all finished eating and proceeded to see who could most effectively flip their cups over with juice, milk, water, etc. still in them. Don't worry, it is necessary to flip the cups over before we take them to the washing area, so we are not just being boisterous and disobedient. I'm starting on MTC week 6, and already I can feel myself slipping into the blissfully awkward state of being a missionary at the MTC.

Also, the power just went out, and me and Sister Seipel almost got trapped in the doors..so clearly I screamed, as I received a small surface wound on my right hand where I had been snapped with a rubberband by one of my elders yesterday for calling somebody a jerk. Sisters across the hall proceeded to talk about how stupid we were for about 5 minutes. pshhh. I don't think they were aware that the "ridiculous sisters that screamed, when it wasn't that big of a deal" could hear them still.

Me and Sister Seipel always have smooth sailing. We both enjoy being obedient and studying hard, in fact i can't remember a time in my life where I get so excited at the end of the night where we reaccount for all of our actions and see that we were obedient in every way we could be. It is also really dissapointing when I lay down at night and realize that I didn't do everything that I could have, or I didn't use my time as effectively as possible. All of you who are reading this hopefully know me, and know that I am a good for nothing lazy butt. So, this can be a confirmation to you that the Lord does in fact make weak things become strong. I feel like everyday, more and more of my weakness are shown to me. For this, I am thankful because everyday it feels like I have endless things to work on, so that I can progress to be a better person.

As for miscellanous information. The hermanas that we lived with left today. So sad, and Sister Kim left yesterday like I said before-along with a group of Seoul Elders whom I will miss a lot. Now, it is just Seipel Chamaenim and me in the room. Party. or should I say Pa-Tee.

Anyways, thank you to everybody that sent me mail this week. It really helped to boost my holiday cheer along with all of this snow. I pray to God everytime I see the snow, and I thank him over and over. I love it so much. it is so pretty.
I love you alllllllll!!!!!!!!!
Cutler Chamae
p.s. I hear Megan put up a new blog? So, thank you a lot, Megan. And thank you all of you creepers out there who are stalking up on me through my blog :) I hope you are all doing really well, and if you're reading this--I probably love you!

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