Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wo-ohhh, we're halfway there---wo-ohhh, living on a prayer!

I'm sure yoreobun are all dying to know what I did for Christmas?? Oh, I did all sorts of things. I'll start with Christmas Eve. 

On Christmas Eve, we had a normal working day-except for in the evening we had a Christmas fireside with Presidents Clegg and Breinholt and their wives. (Pres Clegg is the guy who helped convert that one basketball player guy) shoot I can't remember his name. Anyways, President Clegg is great. We sang a MTC version of the 12 days of Christmas. I think it went something like: on the first day of christmas the mtc gave me: 1-rock solid testimony, 2-free new haircuts, 3- new companions, 4-chocolate milks, 5- hours of gym, 6-30 wake up, 7-lukewarm showers, 8- hours of rest, 9-vaccinations, 10-new commandments, 11-hours of study, 12- Anyways, it was the first time that we got to stand up and yell and sing and it was pretty wild. Clearly, my definition of "wild" has changed dramatically since I've been here. 

After that..it gets even crazier! They gave everybody popcorn and we watch Mr. Kreugers Christmas in the gym! Twins, you should watch it if you haven't: Mr. Kreuger is CHARLES! 

Lets see, then on Christmas morning, me and my dongbanja woke up and opened our little stack of Christmas presents(for which I will address thanks right here and further down the page). After that we tied ribbons onto our sleepy, happy little heads. We painted each others nails after that and we giggled a lot. You all know how much I like to giggle. My companion witnessed my excited squeal that you're all so used to before I was Sister Cutler. Some of you may be proud, sad, or indifferent to the fact that I don't giggle nearly as much, nor have I squealed in excitement until Christmas day. However, some of my Elders still peg me as a giggler-which is dissapointing because I put forth my best effort not to squeal. Actually, I may have squealed when I saw Zach in the lunchroom-Zach, this is a name drop for you, holla back. Anywho, would you like to know what pushed the squeal out of me on Christmas morning? It was because my dongbanja asked if I liked dark chocolate, to which I answered-duh. Then she handed it to me and it was....marzipan!!!!!! my favorite! Sooo, I squealed. And she laughed for a good 5 minutes straight, while I sucked on pieces of dark chocolate filled with marzipan. I have the best dongbanja. She is always keeping me in line. 

Anyways, so after that we took some presents to the native Korean sisters that will be serving in Hawaii and Temple square. We exchanged some presents with them, and it was really great to be with them on Christmas morning. Mostly, I just loved letting myself be in pajamas past 6:30 and letting the excited/sleepy layer stay on me til at least 7:15. After we went to breakfast, we had a talent show. Okay, so I can't tell you about all of the performances-but I feel like it is important enough for me to tell you about my favorite one. A group of native Russian and Ukranian missionaries got up, I think it was probably around 8 Elders and they did Lady Gaga's Bad Romance song???!!!! complete with the dance and everything. Bab-y-lon imnida! haha. But actually, they changed the words to You Missionary Now! So for the past few days, I've been hearing everybody in the hallways humming, bad romance and sometimes even slipping out the words, you missionary now (imagine in russian accent) ra ra raa raa raaaa, ooh la ooooh la la la. hahahahha. It was the greatest. People also just changed lyrics to that one jimmy eat world song, and other various pop songs to make them mission appropriate--which I just could not take seriously when they were trying to make it really touching and serious. So, we're not allowed to listen to music in the MTC, and so this was a real treat for everybody. 

After that, we had "Christmas Dinner" then we had a devotional which was....drumroll please..........Elder Nielson and his wife Wendy Watson Nielson. They ended up staying with us for the entire weekend!!! I don't have time to talk about everything Elder Neilson talked about, but he went through and read the Christmas story to us out of the bible, and explained a lot of cool things about words and different things. Then he talked about how our missions will reach further than just the people we touch on this earth, but it will touch the children they bring into the world, and their ancestors that will have missionary work done for them. 

After the devotional, we had a white elephant gift exchange with our district. We brought all of our candies and hid in one of the Spaniards rooms and we feasted and played games. It was a lot of fun-and actually i think my companion made a recording of something from it that i'll try to send to you. I really do have the best Elders-they treat us like princesses, just like my real brothers do. I feel like I keep falling into the best hands, and I don't know how I have gotten so lucky my entire life to be passed on from good hands to good hands over and over. That night, they had a play of the Scroogey Christmas story. or whatever. It was really fun, and Elder Neilson joined us for that. Then he came back and taught Priesthood the next day, and his wife taught Relief Society. It was so great--she brought Sherry Dew with her, because they're best friends. It was good. But I don't have time to write about it.

I'm sure you're all wondering about my 4 square life. Its the same as always, my Elders risk everything to save me in 4 square so that I can get other non-Korean elders out.

I only have 3 minutes left to express my overwhelming thanks for the presents that I got. I can't believe the presents that you sent me. You are all very, very sweet. Grandma-I loved the watch! and I needed it! Romy---!!!!!!!!! Best shoes ever! Mom-thank you so much for the package that you sent me! It was not the right bag, but if you can't find the other bag don't worry. I would love to have more tights, just like the ones that came in this last package, black and grey-I like those. Don't forget that turquoise watch. I don't need anymore cookies! I can't eat all of them! But I love them! Thank you so much for everything I don't really have anytime left. Ben and Megan, that was the sickest*the good sick* present that I've ever gotten. I was in shock for days, and it has substituted the void of jingle bear well. Thank you  so much. I'll try to write y'all letters today. I'm just as bad at writing letters as I was at texting people back wehn I was home. sorry.
I love you all!

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