Tuesday, December 14, 2010

4 square was a beast this week.

Dear Family and Friends,
So, first of all--four square was wild this week. Me and one of the Elders both dove for the ball and he ended up accidentally like hug/tackling me..which made for very awkward jokes and overly-eager apologies from the Elder. Then, on another day--I was getting super into the game and I accidentally punched the ball right into one of the Elders gut/groin area. That also made for some very awkward jokes and over-eager apologies from myself. And, just yesterday--I hit one of my favorite Elders right in the nose with the four square ball at probably 120 miles per hour, and his glasses went flying across the four square court. This is messy business you see. I wish they never would've roped me into it.
On a more funny note. Yesterday, I was in the bathroom, waiting for my companion, and I decided--Oh, this would be a good time to lift my skirt up and tuck my shirt in better. So I'm standing in what I think is a pretty private setting, lifting my skirt up, and pulling my shirt down..when all of a sudden I look up and I see an Elderly Elder stroll into the bathroom while simulataneously unbuttoning and unzipping his pants..I'm frozen, with my skirt up and my hands still clinging to the front tail of my shirt, thinking--maybe If I stand still enough he won't notice me. The old man looks up and freezes as well. We stare at each other like we are two deer stuck in bright headlights. He says, "Hello." and then looks around and sees my companions feet under the stall and goes, "Oh!" and then he proceeeds to zip his pants back up, and walk out of the bathroom.
Also, on a less serious note, The spaniards are at war with the Koreans. It is very elementary, and i try not to love it. There are these chairs that everybody loves, we call them the 2011 Cadillac chair. Anywho, the Spaniards always end up stealing them from us! So, some of our Elders wrote Chugolaeyo? on their board in Korean, and the Spaniards took a picture of it and showed it to dear sweet Sister Peterson(Jason knows who I'm talking about) and asked her what it said, and she said--do you want to die?  Then about 20 spaniards ran into a room saying--war council! Anyways, so the Spaniards keep walking by our door during class and peeking in--and one time--our dear sweet protector of the District-Elder Lambert-grabs his desk and fiercely says to them: Stop looking at our Chamaenimdel!!!!!!!! Don't worry though, we as the sisters don't get involved. And our elders have proceeded to write them sweet messages on their board. And everybody is working hard again after our tiff with the Spaniards.


Okay, so now on the more spiritual side of what I have been doing this week. I think I witnessed the gift of tongues this week ... Elder Wilcox gave (my companion) a blessing, and after the first opening part..he paused and then proceeded to give the entire blessing in Korean. I couldn't believe it. I don't think any of us could believe it, I've never heard him speak Korean like that. It brought a lot of peace to my companion, and I believe it will be one of my dearest MTC memories.


I'm learning gerunds and adjectives right now. ewww!

Love Lia

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